What is the Best Individualized Program?

 In F2P 101, Methodologies

It doesn’t matter where you go to look for training the buzz word or selling point often times is “individualized or custom programs”. If the place doesn’t offer individualized programs they say you don’t need them. At F2P we firmly believe that all athletes will benefit most from a truly individualized program made specifically for them no matter their age, sport, or ability level. Here is a brief overview of why and how F2P’s programs are individualized like nobody else’s.

The reason we create individualized programs seems simple to us, no two athletes are identical. An athletes age, training age, sport, goals, strengths, weakness, in season vs out of season, and even just how they adapt to different training stimulus are all different for every athlete. So if you are trying to get the most out of each individual athlete how can the program do that for 2+ individuals optimally? We believe it can’t.

The basic goal of all our programs is to make the given athlete the best they can be athletically for their given sport. In order to do this a lot of variables have to be analyzed, critiqued and programmed together. It goes far beyond just improving their 4 Strength Qualities. It is about improving all aspects that go into enhancing their on-field movement. Thus, the positions and actions they go through have to optimized, repeated, and repeated in chaos (as it applies to the sport task) which is the general guideline we follow for our program design. How we achieve this is different for every athlete because every athlete is different. Our programs aren’t designed weeks in advanced even for a given phase that the athlete is going through, they are design training session to training session. This ensures that proper progression and exercise selection will be prescribed for each individual athlete to achieve their optimal (or maximal) results.

Why small class size?
With having all of the athletes doing different programs we keep the class sizes to no more than 5 athletes to 1 coach. If optimal improvement is the goal, each athlete’s set needs to be precisely coached. We are looking to change the athlete’s actions and the only way that we can ensure it is being done optimally, and for the long-term benefit for the athlete, is for the athlete to have feedback from the coach or to give the coach feedback on what they did. This also helps the transfer of knowledge between the coach and athlete.

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